21 June, 2011

The CLEK Booster Seat

My little girl is not so little anymore. This week she officially moved up to a full back booster seat and thinks she is hot stuff. Both of my kids are tiny for their age but when we went to Disneyland recently we learned that she is almost 39", tall enough to ride most roller coasters in the park (and to ride in a full back booster). The only concern I had was her weight but the new booster by Clek is made in full back mode as a start for children 3 years and up, 33lbs and 38". I also love the fact that it has the easiest to use latch system to lock the seat into the car unlike my son's booster that is loose AND the back is removable so once your child is big enough for just a seat booster it can continue to grow with them. The seat is a bit heavy to move but moveable and that is well worth the bit of trouble knowing that it is due to the magnesium frame hidden inside. When I first brought this seat home the one negative I saw was that the seat was going to have to be spot cleaned but as I read the manual more I learned that every single piece of padded seat comes off the booster and the fabric can either be replaced with new covers or washed and put back together.

For the visual people out there the appearance of the seat comes in two different versions, 1. simple and solid block color like pink, green, blue or black or 2. featuring Paul Frank's famous monkey.

But the GREAT design does not stop there. The packaging design invested in this product is awesome. I love the box it came home in and it looks even better when on display in the store. We purchased the blue seat thus our box is blue (not green like the one pictured) and is currently under the beginning design phase by my children to become a space ship.
Clek's website is also clean and simply but at the same time forward thinking and modern. One of my favorite elements on their site is the little widgets. Sometimes a great product can be the best thing out there but fail because the marketing is just not appealing. Other times you can get both an amazing product and the visual that makes you want to buy it. In other words you have a great marriage between the industrial designer and the graphic designer. Makes me smile just thinking about it. Take a look for yourself at www.clekinc.com.

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