20 May, 2011

Elementary School Clay Tiles

The next big project of the day was finishing up the glaze on the clay tiles that my group of First Graders made in class last week. It was my last lesson for the school year so we went out with a bang and got our hands dirty with some clay. It was so fun for me and the kids and I thoroughly loved that they screamed out loud when they saw what we were making, even if their teacher was not thrilled with the loud shout of joy. The best part of the process is that every class in the school is making their own set to compose a mural out on the playground. I've included a picture of what our goal is but only time will tell if we are really going to achieve these results.

If you are interested in doing this project at home is is really quite easy even if you don't have access to a kiln to fire the clay. Simply chose some modeling clay that can harden either by air or in the oven, work it in your hands to soften the clay then roll it out with your rolling pin until it is about 3/8" thick. Next chose whatever you want to texture the tile. You can use some amazing items to do this like the bottom of a shoe, kitchen tools, a piece of jewlery or you cna specifically purchase texture plates for this type of project. Once your tiles are created there are so many things you can do with them. Just imagine the possibilities and the memories you can make with your little ones.

Here are the actual tiles the kids made. They did an amazing job.


  1. That mural is gorgeous! I bet you end up with something even more special.

  2. Thanks I can't wait to see how it comes out! I didn't want the kids to feel that they didn't get anything out of the project for themselves so we thought ahead and had them make two to take one home.
