20 May, 2011

Monkey Baby Shower Invitations

Yesterday was an amazingly busy day so I thought why not post about everything that consumed my Thursday. A lot of my days are filled with custom invitations but yesterday I was simply a production artist for a friend of mine who was crafting the sweetest monkey baby shower invitations.

I absolutely love the bananas she came up with and grouping them as a bunch on the final invitation is going to be perfect. I wish I had one of the final designs to share with you but in its place I found a few other great baby products to share.

I fell in love with Baby Aspen at www.babyaspen.com and this little monkey gift set for baby is just too cute. The best part is that it is gifted to someone in the banana box the monkey is holding. 
There are so many great things on their site that it was hard to chose just one thing to share with you but if I still had an infant I would buy either the baby chef or doctor. I know you will fall in love too.

1 comment:

  1. I love the banana invite! I am having a monkey themed baby shower and have searched everywhere for a custom invite like this. I don't think i would be able to create one myself :-/ Does your friend/person who made these sell them by chance? Could you email me warkies2006@hotmail.com
