18 May, 2011

Growing Your Own Herb Garden

I know a lot of us enjoy cooking and summer time allows such great options for local grown foods and farmer's markets but what about your own backyard? It is currently beautiful weather here in Seattle so yesterday the kids and I got outside and planted our new herb garden. All of this really got me thinking though. What herbs do we need to make a well rounded cooking garden? And how could I grow more things in some of the unused spots in the yard? I found some amazing ideas and although the first picture is of an indoor herb garden it is way to cool not to talk about.

The planter you see above is called the Cocoon and is designed by Måns Salomonsen of Sweden. You can see more of his amazing design work at www.salomonsen.se. I love the look of the Cocoon but my favorite feature is that it is made of a clay that absorbs water from the cultivation. When it evaporates the storage is cooled down keep the fruit fresher longer. All I know is I need to find a way to get myself a Cocoon for my modern home. 
I also found some great criteria for how to choose the herbs that make up your cooking garden. It is not so much about selecting the perfect group to make a complete garden but more about you and your family and how they eat. Thanks to www.gardeningtipsnideas.com/ the first MUST I have already accomplished, the herb garden must be close to the kitchen. Now if only I had the Cocoon it would be IN my kitchen. Next is to make sure you plant in full sun. Your herbs will grow in shade but they are not going to thrive there. It should also have variety and the option to grow something different to offer your family some exploration in flavor. Love this idea but I'm not sure how it will go over with my three year old. Finally, make sure you plant enough to give your family enough supply. If there is only two of you then you need a lot less space and herbs than if you have three little ones running around. And MY last guideline was to make it a fun process for me and my kids. Now they are actually fighting over who gets to cut the first herbs for me. Do you think they will still be this excited once they start eating them? 

I also found this great space saving DIY project at More Design Please that I just have to try before the summer is up www.moredesignplease.com/moredesignplease/2011/3/9/diy-hanging-herb-garden.html. Honestly how creative must you be to think of using a shoe hanger for a hanging herb garden AND it looks great. I'll let you all know if I give this one a whirl and if you try it out before me please share your experience with it.

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